Health and Safety
As a quality health and safety consultancy, we use our training, knowledge and experience, to deliver a quality service within your agreed timeframes.
Training and Education
We deliver training to your teams to ensure they are prepared for the road ahead. We also act as, train, and promote the use of safety mentors.
Friendly Service
Our aim is to work with people and not against them, education is growing and we want your teams to grow, safely.
Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome
Hand-arm vibration is the result of vibrations transmitted from work processes into the hands and arms of workers. When you operate a power tool, such as a road breaker, or hand-guided equipment, such as powered lawn mowers, or hold materials being processed by a machine, such as a pedestal grinder, you can cause this injury.

In the Workplace
- Do your employees complain of tingling and numbness in their hands or fingers after using vibrating tools?
- Do your employees hold work pieces, which vibrate while being processed by powered machinery such as pedestal grinders?
- Do your employees regularly use hand-held or hand guided power tools and machines such as:
- concrete breakers, concrete pokers
- sanders, grinders, disc cutters
- hammer drills
- chipping hammers
- chainsaws, brush cutters, hedge trimmers
- powered mowers
- scabblers or needle guns
- Do your employees regularly operate:
- Hammer action tools for more than about 15 minutes per day; or
- Some rotary and other action tools for more than about one hour per day.
- Do you work in an industry where exposures to vibration are particularly high, such as construction, foundries, or heavy steel fabrication/shipyards?
A Strong Company Ethic
We always work with the client, the law, and the IOSH Code of Conduct in mind. Our strong company ethic is to ensure regulatory compliance as well a good, simple, honest advice.
The process of embedding a health and safety culture can take time, we will guide, but also take the journey with you.
Getting Started
- Identify from your employees and their supervisors which processes involve regular exposure to vibration.
- Locate any warnings of vibration risks in equipment manuals
- Identify whether any employees are demonstrating any HAVS symptoms.
Risk Assessments
- Identify where there might be a risk from vibration and who is likely to be affected;
- Contain a reasonable estimate of your employees’ exposures, and;
- Identify what you need to do to comply with the law eg whether vibration control measures are needed, and, if so, where and what type; and
- Identify any employees who need to be provided with health surveillance and whether any are at particular risk.

How Can We Help?
Knowledge is power, understanding your needs is vital to arranging the correct level of support.

HAV Risk Assessments
We can either create Risk Assessments for you or support you in creating Risk Assessments for your workforce.
HAV Training
We can provide tailored Hand Arm Vibration Awareness training to your workforce.

HAV Testing
We can arrange a visit to you and examine all relevant equpiment for Hand-Arm Vibration Testing

The Law
The law states that an employer must “assess and identify measures to eliminate or reduce risks from exposure to hand-arm vibration so that you can protect your employees from risks to their health.” The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005 also stipulates that “Where the risks are low, the actions you take may be simple and inexpensive, but where the risks are high, you should manage them using a prioritised action plan to control exposure to hand-arm vibration.”
Visit the HSE for more information on your obligations to protect from HAVS Here