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Auditing and Inspections

Keeping Safety at the Heart of Your Business

Health and Safety

As a quality health and safety consultancy, we use our training, knowledge and experience, to deliver a quality service within your agreed timeframes.

Training and Education

We deliver training to your teams to ensure they are prepared for the road ahead. We also act as, train, and promote the use of safety mentors.

Friendly Service

Our aim is to work with people and not against them, education is growing and we want your teams to grow, safely.

Health and Safety Audits

Businesses requiring health and safety management systems audits can turn to Integral Safety for assistance. For smaller organisations, this might be as simple as a health and safety inspection of the premises and a review of current health and safety documentation. All observations and recommendations are then outlined in a report.

Larger organizations may wish to have their management system audited by an external company. Our health & safety management systems audits are conducted in accordance with UK legislation and guidelines in HS(G)65 Successful Health & Safety Management, the Health & Safety Executive guideline on health & safety management systems.

An action plan will be developed following the health and safety audit to guide any improvements that need to be made. If the client requires any recommendations, we are happy to assist, but this is entirely up to them, and they can implement them without our assistance.

Health and Safety Inspections

Planned or unplanned workplace inspections should be conducted within a workplace or within specific parts of a business. Safety audits are required inside the organisation to critically evaluate all potential hazards (equipment, processes, materials, buildings, procedures).

It is often possible to mitigate potential hazards with the information gained from these inspections. Health and safety programs require a schedule of planned and unplanned inspections, which are used in many organisations today as part of their health and safety regime.

A Strong Company Ethic

We always work with the client, the law, and the IOSH Code of Conduct in mind. Our strong company ethic is to ensure regulatory compliance as well a good, simple, honest advice.

The process of embedding a health and safety culture can take time, we will guide, but also take the journey with you. 

How Can We Help?


Working closelty with you, we can assist in identifying the areas that will require inspecting.


We can provide announced or un-announced inspections, gathering evidence to support our findings.


We will produce a report and feedback our findings with evidence, highlighting any improvements (if any) that need to be made.

The Law

The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 places the general duty on the employer to ensure the health, safety and welfare at work of all employees.

Employers need to provide:

    • Training
    • Instruction
    • Information
    • Supervision
    • A safe workplace
    • Safe entry and exit
    • Safe machinery, equipment and methods of work.


Conducting regular inspections allows you to identify whether you are providing these.